Monday, August 21, 2017

Our first match is against Hixson Middle on Tuesday, 8-22-17 at 3:15.  Please try to be there around 3:00 and begin warming up.  We play on the courts behind the Hixson Community Center so drive to the back. The only restrooms and water are in the building.  Bring plenty of water with you.

The Hixson Community Center is located at 5401 School Dr, Hixson, TN 37343 near Hixson United Methodist Church and Vandergriff Park.

Players may wear the team shirts tucked in with khakis to school on game day.  Girls must wear a t-shirt under their team shirt.  Since our shirts have not arrived for the new members, they may wear a Loftis t-shirt tucked in with khakis.

Hixson has a full team of boys.  Unfortunately, Hixson does not have a full team of girls so I only need the eighth grade girls and Paige Martin at the match.  All other girls are encouraged to come to the match and cheer on their teammates and see what a match is like.