Monday, September 2, 2013

Tuesday, 9-3-13 is our makeup match against Soddy Daisy Middle at MV at 3:00.  Please make plans to be there at 2:45 especially if you are playing singles.  They have 5 girls and 4 boys, so girls 1-5 and boys 1-4 will play singles based on the lineup from last Thursday.  Since we have plenty of courts, I want everyone to be at the courts to either play a match against SDMS or to play against our own players for practice.  I will decide who is going to play doubles after the singles matches are complete to try to allow everyone match experience.

Both boys and girls will practice Wednesday at MV.  Let me know TODAY if you want to challenge someone tomorrow at practice.

I hope you found time to get to the courts this weekend!!  Happy Labor Day--Enjoy!