Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thank You

I just wanted to say thank you to all the parents that have been so friendly and supportive this season.  I really do enjoy being the tennis team coach (Yes, soccer is my favorite sport, but that doesn't mean I don't like tennis....I do like tennis very much, it is the only sport I still play in my spare time) 

This is my 18th year at LMS and I have tried coaching the team in many different ways.  When I first started coaching tennis I tried to coach the same way I coach soccer, we stretched and ran laps, I put the kids through drills and would fuss over little things.  I have learned over time that making this a fun experience for the kids is more important.  If a player approaches me and asks for help I will do everything I can for them.  I have spent whole practices this year working with a few of our sixth graders who asked for help with their serving, but it is my belief that most kids just want to get out and play. This is usually the best way for a player to get much needed match experience.  This is a tennis team, not tennis lessons or tennis clinic.

As coach, I order and purchase equipment, attend scheduling meetings and set our schedule, try to keep matches and practices running smoothly, play against and evaulate players, check each players eligibilty and submit all forms to the proper officials, establish challenge rules and try to make the challenge process as fair for all students as I can and above all I try and encourage the kids and make this a fun experience for them.

I know there are some frustrated coaches on the side, but the rules I have to follow say quite clearly that no parent can coach or be on the courts during school organized practices or matches.  This is a liability issue. If I allow a parent on the courts and something happens, even if it is an accident, the first question I will be asked by my supervisor is "why was a parent on the court?" and there would be no acceptable answer.  So, I appreciate offers of assistance, but I cannot accept them.

Again, parents, I thank those of you who have been friendly and helpful and look forward to many more years working with your kids.  Loftis parents are awesome.

(A special thanks to Mr. Rhodes, who has helped me pick up balls and score cards after matches, I needed that help last week more than ever with my back acting up.......I'm old!)

Have a great weekend everybody!