Monday, September 17, 2012

Hixson Match Change

The Match versus Hixson that was scheduled for tomorrow has been moved to Thursday.  We will play at Middle Valley at 3:30 on Thursday 9/20.  The match is all we will do this week.  There will be no practice on Wednesday or Friday.

Those playing in the tournament will have an optional practice on Monday.  The tournament starts Tuesday 9/25.  If you win all your matches on 9/25, you will play on 9/26.  Matches will begin on both days at 2:00.  So, you will need to make arrangements to be checked out early.  All County selections will have a picture made at 1:30 on Tuesday, so All County, you will need to leave LMS by 1:00 to make it for the picture.  All County will be annonunced after the Hixson Match, on Friday or possibly as late as Monday.


Singles (Girls)            Singles (Boys)
Shelby Noe                  Luke Ellis
Kaitlyn Holland           Harrison Travis

Doubles (Girls)                                    Doubles (Boys)
Emily Johnson & Logan Hinch           Ryan Rhodes & John Rhodes
Samntha Thomas& Kendall Brantley  Jack Stimart & Nathan Schofield

See you Thursday.